
Roadmap to Vision 2030

Our Approach

Vision 2030 Focus Areas including objectivesWe have defined long-term commitments and specific actions, which guide the day-to-day implementation of our international CR strategy and contribute to our overall vision of making sustainability affordable to our customers by 2030.





We carefully considered different sources and perspectives when developing our international CR strategy and Vision 2030. Our global focus areas and strategic goals were identified through detailed environmental and human rights risk assessments in our food and non-food supply chains. An international stakeholder survey with around 6,000 participants helped us to identify key priorities of customers, suppliers, and employees in all our markets. Besides considering perspectives of external stakeholders such as NGOs, civil society, etc., all national Corporate Responsibility Departments of ALDI were involved in the development of our international CR strategy in order to integrate and reflect the national market perspective.


By reviewing our strategic approach every three years, we can ensure that our strategic priorities continue to focus on areas, which are most material to our business and where we can have the greatest impact on society and the environment. For the review of our international CR strategy, we will be taking into account all relevant internal and external developments. A series of risk and impact assessments, covering both social and environmental issues, will support us in identifying and addressing material topics in our supply chains. We are committed to transparently communicate the outcome of our regular strategy review.

We believe that collaboration is key to achieve sustainable development and greatest change can only happen by working with all affected parties. Working with external partners and engaging in multi-stakeholder initiatives broadens our horizon and supports us to integrate different perspectives in our international CR strategy. We engage with our stakeholders to achieve common goals and seek to build greater awareness on current and future challenges along our supply chains and throughout our company.


By measuring our strategic performance on a regular basis, we are continuously validating the effectiveness of our actions and highlight the areas where we are already making strong progress as well as other areas where further action is still required. We will report on the changes to our internal and external processes and their root causes. This will create a long-lasting positive impact - the key purpose of our International CR Strategy.   

In March 2021, we announced our new International CR Strategy and we will report progress towards its implementation from 2022. The reporting will be based on our below outlined commitments and actions and will provide our stakeholders the opportunity to track our progress towards our long-term actions on an annual basis.

High-priority supply chains

More sustainable agricultural practices and the responsible use of resources help to respect human rights, protect the environment and ensure the long-term availability of resources in the future. As a global retailer, we want to use our global buying power and market influence to create lasting change for a better future. We will focus our activities on high-priority raw materials and commodity groups.

Human Rights

Achieving supply chain transparency

Supply chain transparency is the foundation for all our sustainability measures. As every supply chain is different, ALDI has the challenge to understand where our products started their journey. We are aware that without this knowledge, we cannot ensure compliance with our requirements, analyse risks, monitor or implement projects. We will make our high-priority supply chains transparent, so that we have a better understanding about the products we sell.

Actions   Target
Increasing traceability 2025
Increasing transparency
  • We will work with our business partners to increase the transparency of our supply chains so that we have a better understanding concerning the origin of every product we sell and the raw materials we use for our products.
  • In order to offer greater transparency to our stakeholders, we will publish information, such as the names and addresses of relevant suppliers and tiers, for six high-priority supply chains (where applicable).

Progress so far:

  • We are already publishing the addresses and number of employees of all our main production facilities used for the manufacturing of garment textiles and shoes.
  • In 2021, we published the names and addresses of our direct business partners (tier 1 suppliers) for bananas & pineapples, coffee and fish & seafood. 
Conducting human rights impact assessments (HRIA)
  • We will use human rights impact assessments to identify key potential impacts on human rights and their root causes.
  • By the end of 2021, we carried out human rights impact assessments for three high-priority raw materials - Brazil nuts, coffee and avocado to identify, understand and assess the potential and actual adverse effects of our business activities on workers and other affected rights-holders such as community members, smallholder farmers and women.
  • The results of the assessments will support us to implement further measures mitigating negative impacts and enhancing positive impacts of our business activities on human rights.


Partnering for change

We will support long-term partnerships and impact-led collaborations to improve the livelihoods and working conditions for producers’ rights along our high-priority supply chains.

Action   Target
Engaging in partnerships We will strengthen existing partnerships and establish new partnerships in our high-priority supply chains.  Our impact led approach will address critical human rights and environmental issues. 2025


Increasing public awareness for human rights

We will increase public awareness for the importance of human rights by being transparent about challenges and using our voice to advocate for change.

Action   Target
Being an advocate for human rights
  • As a global retailer, we will use our voice and influence to increase public awareness of human rights issues.  
  • We will communicate our success, but also the challenges we face in living up to our commitment of respecting human rights and improving living and working conditions throughout our supply chains.
  • We will call for open dialogue about a mandatory human right due diligence legislation and commit to support the development of future legislation. More information: International Position Statement on Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence


Upholding human rights for workers

We will work to ensure that the human rights of workers that contribute to our priority supply chains are respected and we strive towards improving their human rights if any issues are found.

Actions   Target
Implementing capacity-building activities
  • We will establish capacity-building activities across our high-priority supply chains. These activities will address human rights and/or environmental risks where a systematic, industry-wide solution is missing.
  • More information: Current capacity building activities
Aligning our CR requirements and processes with the UNGP 2025
Providing workers access to a grievance mechanism 2025
Providing workers access to remedy 2030


Integrating corporate responsibility into buying

We will use our buying power to respect and support human rights by making our buying practices more sustainable.

Actions   Target
Implementing responsible purchasing practices
  • We will analyse our current purchasing practices and develop a pilot for more sustainable purchasing practices.
  • Based on the pilot, we will implement responsible purchasing practices across selected high-priority supply chains.
Integrating all high-priority supply chains into our CRSE
  • The results of our Corporate Responsibility Supplier Evaluation (CRSE) will influence our buying decisions and provide guidance to our business partners for improving their social and environmental supply chain performance. The CRSE will also support long-term relationships with those business partners who demonstrate a strong sustainability record.
  • Our aim is that all business partners in high-priority supply chains are integrated into the CRSE and undergo a regular review to evaluate their compliance with our CR requirements. This will eventually improve our business partner’s CR knowledge and monitoring skills regarding their CR performance and go beyond normal compliance processes.
  • We will continue to support and empower our business partners to improve their CR performance along the supply chain.  
Sourcing 80% of buying volume from responsible suppliers
  • We will establish long-term relationships with strategic business partners who perform well in regards to CR.
  • We will consider our suppliers’ CR performance during buying decisions. In our high-priority supply chains, our aim is to source more than 80% from those business partners who achieved the highest scores in our Corporate Responsibility Supplier Evaluation (CRSE).



Resource Efficiency

Tackling packaging

We will reduce our own brand product packaging weight and make the packaging we do use 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable.

Actions   Target
Reducing own brand packaging weight
  • For the delivery of sustainable packaging, we will prioritise the removal of any unnecessary packaging and reduce the remaining packaging weight.
  • We will work closely with our business partners to reduce our own brand packaging weight by 15% (baseline year: 2020).
Making all own brand packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable
  • Our aspiration is for all our product packaging to be designed in the most sustainable way possible.
  • We will ensure that 100% of the material used for our own brand packaging is at a minimum recyclable, can be reused, or composted.


Reducing food and operational waste

We will reduce food waste across our business and make other operational waste reusable or recyclable.

Action   Target
Reducing food and operational waste
  • All of our stores, distribution centres and corporate offices will prevent food waste going to landfill or incineration and maximise the share of other operational waste to be reused or recycled.
  • 90% of food and operational waste will be diverted from landfill or incineration.


Sourcing sustainably

We will act to uphold human rights and protect ecosystems by focusing on sustainable sourcing, good water stewardship and deforestation-free supply chains across our priorities.

Actions   Target
Increasing the number of sustainable products available to our customers
  • We strive to bring sustainable and responsibly sourced products onto everybody's plate. To achieve this, we use systems with proven reliability and suitability for market-wide implementation.
  • The use of independent certification schemes when buying our products is one example. By using these certifications, we can work towards ensuring that our products are sourced in an environmentally friendly and social manner.
  • Our goal is to make sustainable products the norm and to increase the number of sustainable products available to our customers by an additional 10% (against baseline year 2019).

Progress so far:

  • We always considered certifications to be a sign of quality and responsible business practices. We are looking to increase the number of sustainable products in our range and already provide our customers with, amongst others, Fairtrade bananas, Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade chocolate, MSC and ASC certified fish and seafood products, or a range of organic products (more information: ALDI SOUTH Group's Corporate Responsibility Performance or visit our national websites). 
Ensuring good water stewardship practices
  • Good water stewardship is a priority in our supply chains. Fresh produce is a high-priority regarding water risks and we have identified water critical regions of origin. We will work together with our producers to implement standards, which include criteria on good water management practices.
  • This will ensure that our producers have the support they need to implement the practical steps needed for an efficient water management at farms.
Eliminating overfishing, bycatch and ecosystem damage in our fish and seafood supply chains
  • Our goal is to source 100% of our seafood products from responsibly managed fisheries and farms. This will include sourcing from certified or low risk fisheries and farms and supporting improvement projects.
  • To achieve this, we will work closely with partners like the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, the Seafood Taskforce and the Global Tuna Alliance to address sustainability challenges at governmental, fishery and individual supply chain level.
  • As a partner to the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability we will also require our business partners to provide information on the entire value chain of their seafood products, e.g. on catchment area and fishing methods, as well as other information to support responsible sourcing and continuous improvement.
Eliminating deforestation in our high-priority supply chains
  • We examined the deforestation risks within our global supply chains in order to understand where we have the most impact and we strive to eliminate deforestation from our high-priority supply chains by 2030.
  • At the beginning of 2022, we will publish an International Position Statement comprising the results of our deforestation risk assessment and setting out how we aim to achieve our goal.
  • More information: Major fields of action in order to tackle deforestation in our high priority supply chains


Designing and producing products responsibly

We will ensure in close cooperation with our business partners that products are designed and produced in an environmentally responsible way.

Actions   Target
Verifying the chemical management performance of all strategic production facilities for garment, home textile and shoes
  • We strive to eliminate the use of hazardous chemicals used in the manufacturing processes and to replace them with safer alternatives.
  • We will continue to embed chemical and environmental management criteria for our garment, home textile, and shoe suppliers. The chemical management performance of our business partners will also form a part of our Corporate Responsibility Supplier Evaluation programme (CRSE).
  • In parallel, we will continue to increase our focus on capacity development of strategic production facilities through targeted measures such as training.
Introducing closed-loop products into our product ranges
  • We will investigate opportunities for the introduction of closed-loop products into our product range. This will be achieved by collaborating with external partners to steer product innovation. 


Zero Carbon

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our operations

We will reduce the operational greenhouse gas emissions of our business to achieve our vision of zero carbon.

Action   Target
Reducing our operational GHG emissions
  • As one of the first international food retailers with a company-wide approved “Science Based Target” (SBT) for climate protection, we aim to reduce our overall operational emissions by 26% by 2025 (compared to a baseline year 2016).
  • We will monitor our progress by annually calculating our Company Carbon Footprint for all of our business processes and locations in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.


Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our supply chain

As part of our wider commitment to minimise the impact of our products, we will also work with our business partners to cut their greenhouse gas emissions and promote climate protection projects in our supply chains.

Actions   Target
Encouraging our suppliers to set science-based targets
  • We are proud to partner with suppliers who share our values. That is why we will encourage our strategic suppliers, which are responsible for 75% of product-related emissions, to work towards setting science-based greenhouse gas emissions targets by 2024.
Implementing carbon reduction projects in selected supply chains
  • We will work with partners along our supply chain to promote innovation at product level and implement projects to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our supply chains.