Worker on banana farm


Our Approach

We are aware that all supply chain stakeholders (including retailers), have a vital role to play in creating a banana sector that is socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable. Both ALDI’s and our partners current and future actions will support human rights and the environment. We are further integrating CR into our buying to help deliver our long-term goals, but we can’t do this alone, it is a shared endeavour. Everyone involved contributes to a sustainable and fair banana supply chain.

Our Actions

Sustainable Sourcing of ALDI's Bananas

We are strengthening the sustainability of ALDI’s banana supply chain via an approach developed with our strategic suppliers. We are implementing more responsible purchasing practices and further increase the transparency of production costs. This improvement to our buying process means that critical cost changes and cost fluctuations that impact all supply chain stakeholders can be addressed much better together.

"Being a solid institution, with a track record, scope and positioning, I believe that ALDI has the capacity to allocate the necessary resources to achieve real changes in the consumer's perception of the quality of Ecuadorian bananas and the effort involved in making our product sustainable. ALDI's new approach is to have first-hand information from the exporter and producer about the complexities and needs of the business. This allows us to ensure a stable and progressive volume over the years and establish a fair price to cover the investments we need to make in order to meet everyone’s expectations. I believe that there are greater opportunities to reach a fair price by working under the principles of shared responsibility and transparency.”

 Danilo Palacios M. (CEO of Corporación Palmar)


Supply chain transparency is the foundation for all our sustainability measures. Without the knowledge where our products come from, we cannot ensure compliance with our requirements, analyse risks, monitor, or implement projects. We work with our business partners to increase the transparency of our supply chains so that we have a better understanding of the origins of the products we sell and the raw materials we use in our products. In 2023, we published the names and addresses of our direct business partners (tier 1 suppliers) for bananas.

100% Certified Bananas

We apply social and environmental requirements for suppliers at grower level for bananas. The ALDI SOUTH Group uses independent certification schemes when buying bananas. These certification schemes ensure that ALDI products are sourced in an environmentally friendly and social manner.

Since 2019, all European and US ALDI stores have exclusively offered bananas that are certified according to the Rainforest Alliance standard or organic bananas in combination with either Fairtrade certification or the GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice.

Our 100% certification achievement is already a great start. However, we know that standards and certification schemes do not adequately address all environmental and human rights issues. Our strategy for creating a more sustainable banana supply chain also involves how we are going beyond audits to focus on how risks are being identified and managed together with our business partners.

Supply Chain

The bananas sold in our European and US stores are sourced internationally and nationally for our Australian customers. We closely evaluate our business partners on their social and environmental risk and compliance management systems and their farms’ or production facilities’ CR performance.

World map for banana country of origin

Business Partner Collaboration

Our business partners have an important role in implementing our commitments and ensuring compliance with our requirements throughout the supply chain. We foster open and constructive dialogues with our suppliers to enhance the sustainability of the banana sector.

Human Rights

We respect human rights and do our part to improve living and working conditions throughout our supply chains.

Stakeholder Dialogue & Capacity Building

We believe the best way to protect the people and the environment is through joint initiatives and partnerships. For this reason, we engage in various multi-stakeholder initiatives and projects on the ground.

Multi-stakeholder initiatives

Logo of WBF
Since 2017
World Banana Forum (WBF)

The World Banana Forum (WBF), coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, promotes the worldwide adoption of best practices for sustainable banana production and trade. They provide a space where retailers, importers, producers, exporters, consumer associations, governments, research institutions, trade unions, and civil society organizations can discuss the problems facing the banana sector and seek solutions. The ALDI SOUTH Group became a member in 2017.

More information
Logo of World Banana Forum
Working group
Cost of sustainable production (WBF)

As a member of the World Banana Forum, we are involved in the working group ‘Cost of Sustainable Production’. Its aim is to create transparency about living income and wages in the producing countries. On this basis, governments are supported in the assumption of their responsibility that minimum wages meet living wages and also their enforcement is controlled.

In this context, we support the FAO World Banana Forum’s Living Wage Advocacy Initiative (LIWIN), which works towards the establishment of living income and wage benchmarks in several banana exporting countries and living income/wage advocacy activities with government, private sector and civil society organisations in major European importing countries.

More: World Banana Forum Working Group
Logo of GIZ
Working Group
German Retailer Working Group on Living Income and Living Wages (GIZ)

As a participant in the ‘German Retailer Working Group on Living Income and Living Wages’ established by the German Society for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit - GIZ), we want to support and promote the establishment of an income and wage standard that meets the cost of living in global agricultural supply chains. By joining forces in 2019 and aligning our approach with others, we aim to increase leverage to maximise our impact and ensure that farmers and workers in global agricultural supply chains have a decent standard of living.

The ‘German Retailer Working Group on Living Income and Living Wages’ has set itself the objective of coordinating and implementing joint activities in order to work towards the realisation of living wages and living income in global agricultural supply chains. A particular focus is on assessing living wage and living income gaps and piloting approaches to close identified gaps.

More information
Logo of IDH
Working Group
Roadmap on Living Wages (IDH)

In 2019, IDH created the ‘Roadmap on Living Wages’ to develop aligned solutions for measuring and closing living wage gaps in global supply chains.  The ALDI SOUTH Group is part of IDH’s 'Living Wage Steering Committee' to address overall strategic issues related to the Roadmap  on Living Wages and oversee its development. Furthermore, the participating companies in the committee will monitor the implementation of the IDH Roadmap, including the development of tools to measure the living wage gap and approaches to close it.

Anke Ehlers, Managing Director Corporate Responsibility International (CRI) for the ALDI SOUTH Group: “A living income and wage are an important part of a successful and fair sustainable supply chain, it is a key way in which the ALDI SOUTH Group can protect human rights and reduce poverty. We are proud to engage with the IDH and work alongside our industry partners to improve the livelihoods of farmers and workers in global supply chains. We believe that the best way to create the greatest impact is through fostering alignment and through the continuation of long-term joint initiatives and partnerships.”

More information

Our CR Performance


Certification of our bananas sold in our European and US stores


Publication of our bananas' country of origin


Publication of direct business partners (tier 1 suppliers) for bananas


Integration of banana suppliers into our CR supplier evaluation (Europe & US)


CR supplier evaluations of potential and current business partners

Sustainable Development Goals

1 No poverty 2 Zero hunger 8 Decent work and economic growth 10 Reduced inequalities 12 Responsible consumption and production 15 Life on land 17 Partnerships for the goals


Human Rights

Principle 1

Support and respect the protection of human rights

Principle 2

Not complicit in human rights abuses


Principle 3

Uphold freedom of association and recognition of right to collective bargaining

Principle 4

Elimination of forced and compulsory labour

Principle 5

Abolition of child labour

Principle 6

Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation


Principle 7

Precautionary approach to environmental challenges

Principle 8

Promote environmental responsibility

GRI references

GRI 103: Management approach 2016

Global Reporting Initiative 103-1 Global Reporting Initiative 103-2 Global Reporting Initiative 103-3